Friday, July 07, 2006

T.A.G - Part I

I am no different from anyone who did this tag before-as bored as ever. So all the bored ones in the world,come read this and enlighten your lives by knowing when i yawned last time or blinked my eyes. Going straight to the questionnaire as my fans are awaiting:D

1. Grab the book nearest to you turn to page 18 and find line 4
When India became independent,it was divided into India and Pakistan.
..................from sister's textbook:D.

2. Stretch your arm out as far as possible

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Took a glance at the TV while i was having tea. Amooma was watching some mega serial in DD.Thaloolam...or was it saagaram:-?

4. Without looking guess what time it is:
6 pm :-?

5. Now look at the time, what is the actual time?
5.44 pm

6. With the exception of the computer what can you hear?
'Yeh taara woh taara' and some prayer song is playing on the temple near by:)

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Went to swapna chechi's home earlier and spend the afternoon there.

8. Before this survey what did you look at?
The blogger boy's blog:)

9. What are you wearing?
A black n violet mixed salwar kameez.

damn...power went ....would continue after a break!
&**&^%..i cant even copy this thing to save. Thank god..CTRL+ C worked.

Guess who's back after having hot samosa's and a candle light bath ;;) (ya, freebird was right..a bath once in a while feels good). So back to business.

10. Did you dream last night?
Seldom do i remember my dreams. I do day dream 24*7 though!

11. When did you last laugh?
I think i did at swapna chechi's today:-?...else laughed a lot yesterday, watching superman and during the lunch with my friends.

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Paint would do???

13. Seen anything weird lately?
I saw Anand yesterday.

14. What do you think of this quiz?
Nice for killing time.

15. What is the last film you saw?
Philadeliphia....nice one:)

16. If you became a multimillionaire what would you buy?
*thinking*.....*still thinking*.....damn..i'm sooo ambitionless...I dont have anything to do with a million...well..had plans to go shopping with my friends...wudve liked to have some 200 bucks for that.

17. Tell me something about you that I don’t know.
Hmmmm...cant find life is an open book.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
I would wanna invent time machine

19. Do you like to dance?
When there's none around,yeah i do:D

20. George Bush.
No comments.

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what would you call her?
I like the name 'Nandini' much..I know its quite old fashioned and no,its not a cows name X-(...though I havent decided yet...afterall its my baby's name...have to consider all sides

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what would you call him?
I had thought that i would let'him' name if its a that you ask me, I would like the name 'Nikhil'. And i wanted a gal ,though every horoscope kinda thing tells me that i would have 2 boys:((

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Maybe for some time.Not settling there.

24. What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
That i get the power to go and visit my beloved ones back in the earth and be with them,invisible maybe.

Now i get to tag all my tag hater friends...beginning with rj(:D),ken,sk,devi,priya.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Adios Teens

Guess who’s getting outta teens and stepping into womanhood. Yeah, you got it right. I turned 20 today. Happy birthday to me!!! Was just taking a backward glance, on my past b’days. Wondering about the changes that occurred in my attitude towards the birthday. Was always excited about the birthday in my childhood(evry kid is..i know:D). when I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to get older and be the role model for younger cousins. You know how the li’l kids look upon their big bro’s n sis with great admiration and follow them everywhere around..i always used to do tht and wanted to grow fast to be on the other side n play the ‘jaada’ elder one. Similar was the case with my teenage as well. Wanted to become ‘sweet seventeen’ from the beginning of the teens itself. But a major part of my teens went uneventful. Not that the left part was blooming with love or something. But then the latter part was blessed with the jubilance of friendship. Think I’ve been quite lucky there. The friends I had were always pretty close ones.
Unlike other birthdays, I’m numb towards this one. Thts coz the pros and cons cancel each other. I am getting outta my teens. The end of another phase in my life. Looking back I wonder if I enjoyed it to the fullest. Ofcourse the answer is no. But then those days would never come back. I’m becoming 20 and remember one of my friends saying that it’s a mile stone in a gal’s life. Now that I think about it , it might be true. It wont be long before that I would’ve to leave this place and my beloved ones and go live in an ambience where everything would be alien to me. Where I wont be able to sleep till sun strikes my face, stay infront of the pc until sun rises, grab whatever eatables you can find and go lie in the couch watching t v, come up with weird ideas of spending( to be read as wasting) time and many more. Some of you might be having the opinion that there wont be much difference after marriage as well. I don’t agree. I am not claiming that the in-laws would be the cruel ones like you see in mega serials. But still none wont be the same as your ma. The other day I had an argument with ma over the topic that ‘shadi ke baad beti parayi ho jaati hai’. And I was soo surprised and pained to learn that she agreed to that statement. I had always thought that whatever comes in life, we would always be their babies. But was shocked to know that by marriage what they mean is that I am losing my place in my family,where I always belonged and lived for some quarter century. She was like you can visit anytime you want and all. But still..that’s not what I want. Sighhh . anyway I am not becoming much sentimental. For better or worse I turned twenty today. And I cant help it either,as time and tide doesn’t wait for me either…
P.S: my bday was 2 days ago. We were having candlelight celebrations everywhere as there was no power supply for the whole town for almost 2 days and hence the delay in posting.