Friday, January 27, 2006

The Take off

Hello everyone...or anyone who happens to read this.
I am this typical average keralite girl who is now as confused and nervous as any ' first time blogger ' could be ( or even more ).So i guess i neednt repeat their words. You would be bored reading that ' i dunno what to write ' stuff once more.I have'nt gone through many blogs , except that of my friends and sayesha's ( which i really admired ),but i plan to.The idea of blogging never occured to me, until each and everyone of my friend's started it and it took my last ounce of confidence and gutts to take this small step ( you must have guessed that i am not at all inhibitive and shy :D ). It's all my friends persuasion behind this, I am a person who is greatly influenced by friends.Thanks to S,M,crusader and ash for their support ( so i guess i should be broadminded enough to share the credits, for any appreciation from anyone...I am always here and if u feel like slapping the blogger's face for wasting your time..I would surely introduce you to my friends ..:D). Frankly speaking, I welcome the criticisms more than appreciations ( mostly the friends appreciate just bcoz of the obligation...and i dont want my friends to do can evaluate me as any stranger can ). I would really appreciate constructive criticisms as i am a person who believes in personal improvement till demise. I guess i am blabbering too much and you might be thinking that i am crazy ( I still cant believe i am doing this ). So I better control my motormouth. With the hope that I will blog again, stopping now


Anonymous said...

hey...nice beginning...hope u keep on doin' dis...and hail the person who askd u to start a blog, whoevr tht is ;-)

Anonymous said...

nice strt..keep bloggin......

-------4m u-knw-who.;)

Anonymous said...

Hmm make sure the next one holds More of an interesting factor which strangers and ur friends both could Make sense of !! Pretty ok start! watching out for the next one !!

GingerTea said...

heyy ..nice start dear .....
and u dont have to be soooo shy ....
nice to know that i have been an inspiration :D ..... all the best !!!!

Anonymous said...

coz this is the 1st blog i've read i donno to rate it.....but i feel its a good blog....keep on dont knw how its going 2 help may inspire or motivate may fetch u more good friends..i dont know wat more blog can do but i learnt many new words frm ur blog

Praveen said...

hey...thts a pretty calm n cool take off u just had....and am wondering now y din't u start a little early....u r not tht bad as u fear...
but i got a really big surprise today when u said tht u started a blog...bcos only yday u was sayin abt this and neva xpected this to happen sooo fast...

well, i got a complaint...plz change the my eyes r really paining after seeing too much bright green.....

once again...indu...nice start...keep it up...waiting 4 more posts from u...

Praveen said...

ha gud...u changed ur template....this luks gud....

kartoos said...

@every1- thanx for the support:)